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The Chiropractic AdjustmentThe chiropractic adjustment is defined as a maneuver that is specific in direction, point of contact, amplitude, and velocity. It is intended to correct a subluxation partly or wholly. This is the main treatment method provided by chiropractors across the world. It is a manual procedure that is designed to effect improvement in the neurologic component of the vertebral subluxation or joint dysfunction. The Adjustment may or may not use a manipulative (thrusting) approach. It can also be defined as a chiropractic manual procedure that uses controlled force, leverage, direction, amplitude, and velocity directed at specific joints or anatomic regions. To find an area in the spine or extremities that is in need of an adjustment the doctors use motion palpation. Motion palpation is used to move the spine into all of its planes of motion. When the doctors find a plane of motion that is “locked up” an adjustment is performed at this spinal segment. Is a chiropractic adjustment safe? Yes, it is very safe. It is one of the leading forms of pain relief for people suffering from all kinds of aches and pains. It is a 100% natural treatment method used for a variety of conditions. It can also be used as a prevention tool to prevent future or reoccurring injuries. There are also many chiropractic therapies that can be used with an adjustment to help overall and gain quicker pain relief.
An extremity adjustment is provided for a fixated arm or leg joint. For example, an adjustment is provided to the ankle for sprained ankle or abnormal gait.
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