What is A Mid Back Adjustment?

A mid back adjustment will be performed  when an area in the thoracic spine has been found to be misaligned or restricted in normal motion by palpation of the joints.

The joints of the mid back (thoracic spine) can become stiff and restricted due to poor postural habits. Occupations that require people to sit all day and use a computer are notorious for having a stiff and restricted mid back due to poor seated posture. It is very important to take micro breaks from your workstation to stretch the pecs (front chest) and open the joints of the mid back.

Some things that can cause pain in the mid back are poor posture, scoliosis, a disc herniation in the neck or mid back, and other more serious things such as gallbladder issues, heart, lungs, pregnancy, pneumonia, and pancreatitis.

Spinal manipulation to these stiff joints combined with posture correction and rehabilitation exercise can greatly reduce pain and stiffness in the mid back and thoracic spine.

Dr. Chelsey Smiley providing a middle back adjustment:

Dr. Steve Smiley providing a middle back adjustment.

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